
Labels tokens with their universal POS (UPOS) tags, treebank-specific POS (XPOS) tags, and universal morphological features (UFeats).

Property name Annotator class name Generated Annotation
pos POSProcessor UPOS, XPOS, and UFeats annotations accessible through Word’s properties pos, xpos, and ufeats.


Option name Type Default Description
pos_batch_size int 5000 When annotating, this argument specifies the maximum number of words to process as a minibatch for efficient processing.
Caveat: the larger this number is, the more working memory is required (main RAM or GPU RAM, depending on the computating device). This parameter should be set larger than the number of words in the longest sentence in your input document, or you might run into unexpected behaviors.

Example Usage

Running the part of speech tagger simply requires tokenization and multi-word expansion. So the pipeline can be run with tokenize,mwt,pos as the list of processors. After the pipeline is run, the document will contain a list of sentences, and the sentences will contain lists of words. The part-of-speech tags can be accessed via the upos and xpos fields.

import stanfordnlp

nlp = stanfordnlp.Pipeline(processors='tokenize,mwt,pos')
doc = nlp("Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.")
print(*[f'word: {word.text+" "}\tupos: {word.upos}\txpos: {word.xpos}' for sent in doc.sentences for word in sent.words], sep='\n')

This code will generate the following output:

word: Barack 	upos: PROPN	xpos: NNP
word: Obama 	upos: PROPN	xpos: NNP
word: was 	upos: AUX	xpos: VBD
word: born 	upos: VERB	xpos: VBN
word: in 	upos: ADP	xpos: IN
word: Hawaii 	upos: PROPN	xpos: NNP
word: . 	upos: PUNCT	xpos: .

Training-Only Options

Most training-only options are documented in the argument parser of the POS/UFeats tagger.