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Recognizes the “true” case of tokens (how it would be capitalized in well-edited text) where this information was lost, e.g., all upper case text. This is implemented with a discriminative model using the CRF sequence tagger. A true case category label, e.g., INIT_UPPER for each word is saved in TrueCaseAnnotation. The token text adjusted to match its true case is saved under the TrueCaseTextAnnotation. There is an option to also overwrite the TextAnnotation of the token, which will change the behavior of later annotators (they will use the truecased text): truecase.overwriteText. The original text prior to any normalization can still be retrieved from the OriginalTextAnnotation. (The JSON output format is a text output format that contains these annotations.) At present, we only have a trained truecase model for English, but models could be trained for other languages.

Use of the truecase annotator is one of two good ways of dealing with texts that mostly or entirely lack case distinctions. The other is to use caseless models.

Property nameAnnotator class nameGenerated Annotation
truecaseTrueCaseAnnotatorTrueCaseAnnotation and TrueCaseTextAnnotation


Option nameTypeDefaultDescription
truecase.modelStringedu/stanford/nlp/models/truecase/ truecasing model to use.
truecase.biasStringINIT_UPPER:-0.7,UPPER:-0.7,O:0Biases to choose certain behaviors. You can use this to adjust the proclivities of the truecaser. The truecaser classes are: UPPER, LOWER, INIT_UPPER, and O (for mixed case words like McVey).
truecase.mixedcasefileStringedu/stanford/nlp/models/truecase/MixDisambiguation.listWhen the classifier chooses mixed case classification, the form in this file (if any) is used, otherwise the input token is left unchanged.
truecase.overwriteTextbooleanfalseWhether the truecased token form should be used to overwrite the TextAnnotation, affecting the behavior of later annotators in a pipeline.
truecase.verbosebooleanfalseWhether to run more verbosely.


To use the truecase model to work with uncased text, place it after sentence splitting but before other annotators that use case information. Here is an example:

% cat lakers.txt
lonzo ball talked about kobe bryant after the lakers game.

With the default English models, no entities (and no proper nouns) are found:

% java edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -file lakers.txt -outputFormat conll -annotators tokenize,pos,lemma,ner
% cat lakers.txt.conll 
1	lonzo	lonzo	NN	O	_	_
2	ball	ball	NN	O	_	_
3	talked	talk	VBD	O	_	_
4	about	about	IN	O	_	_
5	kobe	kobe	NN	O	_	_
6	bryant	bryant	NN	O	_	_
7	after	after	IN	O	_	_
8	the	the	DT	O	_	_
9	lakers	laker	NNS	O	_	_
10	game	game	NN	O	_	_
11	.	.	.	O	_	_

However, Instead, if we run truecasing prior to POS tagging and NER, then we get:

% java edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -outputFormat conll -annotators tokenize,truecase,pos,lemma,ner -file lakers.txt -truecase.overwriteText
% cat lakers.txt.conll 
1	Lonzo	Lonzo	NNP	PERSON	_	_
2	ball	ball	NN	O	_	_
3	talked	talk	VBD	O	_	_
4	about	about	IN	O	_	_
5	Kobe	Kobe	NNP	PERSON	_	_
6	Bryant	Bryant	NNP	PERSON	_	_
7	after	after	IN	O	_	_
8	the	the	DT	O	_	_
9	Lakers	Lakers	NNPS	ORGANIZATION	_	_
10	game	game	NN	O	_	_
11	.	.	.	O	_	_

Now, the organization Lakers is recognized, and in general nearly all the entity words are tagged as proper nouns with the correct entity label. However, the model fails to get ball, which remains a common noun. Of course, this is a fairly hard word to get right in caseless text, since ball is a quite frequent common noun.