
Client Regex Usage

Table of contents

Using Tokensregex, Semgrex and Tregex with the client

Separate client functions are provided to run Tokensregex, Semgrex, Tregex pattern matching with the CoreNLP client. The following example shows how to start a new client and use TokensRegex to find patterns in text:

text = "Chris Manning is a nice person. Chris wrote a simple sentence. He also gives oranges to people."
with CoreNLPClient(
        annotators=['tokenize','ssplit','pos','lemma','ner', 'parse', 'depparse'],
        memory='16G') as client:

    # Use tokensregex patterns to find who wrote a sentence.
    pattern = '([ner: PERSON]+) /wrote/ /an?/ []{0,3} /sentence|article/'
    matches = client.tokensregex(text, pattern)
    # sentences contains a list with matches for each sentence.
    print(len(matches["sentences"])) # prints: 3
    # length tells you whether or not there are any matches in this
    print(matches["sentences"][1]["length"]) # prints: 1
    # You can access matches like most regex groups.
    print(matches["sentences"][1]["0"]["text"]) # prints: "Chris wrote a simple sentence"
    print(matches["sentences"][1]["0"]["1"]["text"]) # prints: "Chris"

Aside from surface level patterns, the CoreNLPClient also allows you to use CoreNLP to extract patterns in syntactic structures. Here is an example shows how to use Semgrex and Tregex on the same piece of text:

text = "Chris Manning is a nice person. Chris wrote a simple sentence. He also gives oranges to people."
with CoreNLPClient(
        annotators=['tokenize','ssplit','pos','lemma','ner', 'parse', 'depparse'],
        memory='16G') as client:

    # Use semgrex patterns to directly find who wrote what.
    pattern = '{word:wrote} >nsubj {}=subject >obj {}=object'
    matches = client.semgrex(text, pattern)
    # sentences contains a list with matches for each sentence.
    print(len(matches["sentences"])) # prints: 3
    # length tells you whether or not there are any matches in this
    print(matches["sentences"][1]["length"]) # prints: 1
    # You can access matches like most regex groups.
    print(matches["sentences"][1]["0"]["text"]) # prints: "wrote"
    print(matches["sentences"][1]["0"]["$subject"]["text"]) # prints: "Chris"
    print(matches["sentences"][1]["0"]["$object"]["text"]) # prints: "sentence"

    # Tregex example
    pattern = 'NP'
    matches = client.tregex(text, pattern)
    # You can access matches similarly
    print(matches['sentences'][1]['1']['match']) # prints: "(NP (DT a) (JJ simple) (NN sentence))\n"

Using Semgrex on depparse

New in v1.1

Note that each of the previous methods rely on using CoreNLP for the language processing. It is also possible to use semgrex to search dependencies produced by the depparse module of stanza.

For example:

import stanza
import stanza.server.semgrex as semgrex

nlp = stanza.Pipeline("en", processors="tokenize,pos,lemma,depparse")

doc = nlp("Banning opal removed all artifact decks from the meta.  I miss playing lantern.")
semgrex_results = semgrex.process_doc(doc,
                                      "{pos:NN}=object <obl {}=action",
                                      "{cpos:NOUN}=thing <obj {cpos:VERB}=action")

This uses CoreNLP semgrex by launching a new java process. Even though it is inexpensive to launch a single process, it is best to group all of the semgrex patterns to be run on a single doc into a single function call.

The result will be a CoreNLP_pb2.SemgrexResponse protobuf object, which contains nested lists for each sentence, for each semgrex query. For this snippet, the result will look like:

result {
  result {
    match {
      matchIndex: 9
      node {
        name: "action"
        matchIndex: 3
      node {
        name: "object"
        matchIndex: 9
  result {
    match {
      matchIndex: 6
      node {
        name: "action"
        matchIndex: 3
      node {
        name: "thing"
        matchIndex: 6
    match {
      matchIndex: 2
      node {
        name: "action"
        matchIndex: 1
      node {
        name: "thing"
        matchIndex: 2
result {
  result {
  result {
    match {
      matchIndex: 4
      node {
        name: "action"
        matchIndex: 3
      node {
        name: "thing"
        matchIndex: 4

Semgrex as a context

New in v1.2.1

As of v1.2.1, there is now a Python context which allows reuse of an existing Java process. This will allow multiple calls per Java process, hopefully reducing overhead in situations where there are lots of small queries, as creating the Java process can wind up being more expensive than the semgrex query itself.

import stanza
from stanza.server.semgrex import Semgrex

nlp = stanza.Pipeline("en", processors="tokenize,pos,lemma,depparse")

doc = nlp("Banning opal removed all artifact decks from the meta.  I miss playing lantern.")
with Semgrex(classpath="$CLASSPATH") as sem:
    # sem.process takes a single doc, which can have any number of
    # sentences and therefore any number of dependency graphs
    # it also takes a variable length list of semgrex expressions to run
    semgrex_results = sem.process(doc,
                                  "{pos:NN}=object <obl {}=action",
                                  "{cpos:NOUN}=thing <obj {cpos:VERB}=action")

A single result .result[i].result[j] is a list of matches for sentence i on semgrex query j. So, for example, semgrex_results.result[0].result[0] in the previous example is:

match {
  matchIndex: 9
  node {
    name: "object"
    matchIndex: 9
  node {
    name: "action"
    matchIndex: 3

The graphs and semgrex expressions are indexed from 0, but the words are effectively indexed from 1 considering there is a ROOT node added at index 0 to each dependency graph.

In plain English, the 0th semgrex expression says:

  • Find a word with POS tag NN which is the dependent of a word using an obl relation.
  • Label the child object and the parent action

In this example, in the 0th graph, the word “meta” is the child of “removed”.

If there are no matches for graph i and query j, the result will be empty. In the previous example, there are no obl relations in the sentence I miss playing lantern. Therefore, semgrex_results.result[1].result[0] is empty:



Multiple matches can occur for a single graph / query pair. For example, there are two obj relations in the sentence Banning opal removed all artifact decks ... opal is the dependent of Banning, and decks is the dependent of removed:


matchIndex: 6
node {
  name: "thing"
  matchIndex: 6
node {
  name: "action"
  matchIndex: 3


matchIndex: 2
node {
  name: "thing"
  matchIndex: 2
node {
  name: "action"
  matchIndex: 1

The format for communication with the Java semgrex is a Protobuf. Look for SemgrexResponse in the CoreNLP proto definition.


New in v1.2.1

Similar to the semgrex interface, there is a tokensregex interface which allows use of tokensregex on documents processed with stanza. For example:

    nlp = stanza.Pipeline('en',

    doc = nlp('Uro ruined modern.  Fortunately, Wotc banned him')
    print(process_doc(doc, "him", "ruined"))

The expected result of this is that it will return locations of him and ruined:

match {
  match {
    sentence: 1
    match {
      text: "him"
      begin: 4
      end: 5
match {
  match {
    sentence: 0
    match {
      text: "ruined"
      begin: 1
      end: 2

Universal Enhancements

New in v1.2.1

Currently, the depparse annotator only processes basic dependencies. The CoreNLP package includes a tool to convert basic UD to enhanced UD. We now include a way to communicate with that tool.

import stanza
from stanza.server.ud_enhancer import UniversalEnhancer

nlp = stanza.Pipeline('en',

with UniversalEnhancer(language="en", classpath="$CLASSPATH") as enhancer:
    doc = nlp("This is the car that I bought")
    result = enhancer.process(doc)

You can see that there is an “extra” dependency in the output:

edge {
  source: 4
  target: 7
  dep: "acl:relcl"
  isExtra: false
  sourceCopy: 0
  targetCopy: 0
  language: UniversalEnglish
edge {
  source: 7
  target: 4
  dep: "obl:relobj"
  isExtra: true
  sourceCopy: 0
  targetCopy: 0
  language: Any
edge {
  source: 7
  target: 6
  dep: "nsubj"
  isExtra: false
  sourceCopy: 0
  targetCopy: 0
  language: UniversalEnglish

In order to use this, you either need to supply the language or supply a pronouns_pattern which describes how to identify relative pronouns in the language of interest. For example, the pattern for English is "(?i:that|what|which|who|whom|whose)". Note that most languages are not yet supported by name, but we are more than happy to receive contributions for how to find relative pronouns in other languages.


An older StanfordNLP project, SceneGraph, ships with CoreNLP as well. This can be accessed via the scenegraph method on the Client.

A short example:

Very short demo for the SceneGraph interface in the CoreNLP server

Requires CoreNLP >= 4.5.5, Stanza >= 1.5.1

import json

from stanza.server import CoreNLPClient

# start_server=None if you have the server running in another process on the same host
# you can start it with whatever normal options CoreNLPClient has
# preload=False avoids having the server unnecessarily load annotators
# if you don't plan on using them
with CoreNLPClient(preload=False) as client:
    result = client.scenegraph("Jennifer's antennae are on her head.")
    print(json.dumps(result, indent=2))

The result of this is

  "id": -1,
  "url": "",
  "phrase": "Jennifer's antennae are on her head.",
  "attributes": [],
  "relationships": [
      "predicate": "have",
      "subject": 0,
      "object": 1,
      "text": [
      "predicate": "on",
      "subject": 1,
      "object": 2,
      "text": [
  "objects": [
      "names": [
      "names": [
      "names": [