

Table of contents


Stanza 1.7.0 introduces a coreference model. The model is Conjunction-Aware Word-level Coreference Resolution, by Karel D’Oosterlinck. This was based on previous work, Word-Level Coreference Resolution by Vladimir Dobrovolskii.

If you use the Stanza coref implementation in your work, please cite both of the following:

Karel D’Oosterlinck, Semere Kiros Bitew, Brandon Papineau, Christopher Potts, Thomas Demeester, and Chris Develder. 2023. CAW-coref: Conjunction-Aware Word-level Coreference Resolution. In CRAC 2023. [pdf]

Vladimir Dobrovolskii. 2021. Word-Level Coreference Resolution In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. [pdf]


Currently there is just one model available, an English model trained on OntoNotes using Electra-Large. Because this uses a transformer, whereas the rest of the standard pipeline does not, this is not loaded by default. By adding it to the list of annotators, however, Stanza will download the model and add it to the pipeline.

import stanza
pipe = stanza.Pipeline("en", processors="tokenize,coref")

We found that a full finetuning meant the model files were quite large relative to the rest of the pipeline, whereas not finetuning meant the model was much less accurate. However, using peft produced an accurate model with much less overhead.

The CAW-Coref paper uses Roberta-Large, and in fact we found that to be slightly more accurate, but the rest of the transformer was using Electra-Large on account of being slightly more accurate on other tasks. We may revisit that in the future.

Future work will include adding additional languages and building models which use less resources.


When used in a pipeline, the coreference found will be attached at the [Document](/stanza/data_objects.html#document) level. The format is a sequence of CorefChain objects, where each CorefChain includes one or more CorefMention objects. See for more information. The Word objects each have a field coref_chains which is a list of CorefAttachment objects. Those link back to the relevant chain and mark whether or not this is the representative mention.

The representative mention is chosen by taking the longest mention in a chain, ties broken by earliest in the document.


There are two output formats which include the coref results.

When coref is added, the json output format will include blocks such as the following:

>>> import stanza
>>> pipe = stanza.Pipeline("en", processors="tokenize,coref")
>>> pipe("John Bauer works at Stanford.  He has been there 4 years")
      "id": 1,
      "text": "John",
      "start_char": 0,
      "end_char": 4,
      "coref_chains": [
          "index": 0,
          "representative_text": "John Bauer",
          "is_start": true,
          "is_representative": true
      "id": 2,
      "text": "Bauer",
      "start_char": 5,
      "end_char": 10,
      "coref_chains": [
          "index": 0,
          "representative_text": "John Bauer",
          "is_end": true,
          "is_representative": true
      "id": 1,
      "text": "He",
      "start_char": 31,
      "end_char": 33,
      "coref_chains": [
          "index": 0,
          "representative_text": "John Bauer",
          "is_start": true,
          "is_end": true

The conll format adds the annotations to the misc column:

>>> doc = pipe("John Bauer works at Stanford.  He has been there 4 years")
>>> print("{:C}".format(doc))
# text = John Bauer works at Stanford.
# sent_id = 0
1       John    _       _       _       _       0       _       _       start_char=0|end_char=4|coref_chains=start-repr-id0
2       Bauer   _       _       _       _       1       _       _       start_char=5|end_char=10|coref_chains=end-repr-id0
3       works   _       _       _       _       2       _       _       start_char=11|end_char=16
4       at      _       _       _       _       3       _       _       start_char=17|end_char=19
5       Stanford        _       _       _       _       4       _       _       start_char=20|end_char=28
6       .       _       _       _       _       5       _       _       start_char=28|end_char=29

# text = He has been there 4 years
# sent_id = 1
1       He      _       _       _       _       0       _       _       start_char=31|end_char=33|coref_chains=unit-id0
2       has     _       _       _       _       1       _       _       start_char=34|end_char=37
3       been    _       _       _       _       2       _       _       start_char=38|end_char=42
4       there   _       _       _       _       3       _       _       start_char=43|end_char=48
5       4       _       _       _       _       4       _       _       start_char=49|end_char=50
6       years   _       _       _       _       5       _       _       start_char=51|end_char=56

This is the first release of coref, so if there are suggested improvements to the format, please feel free to discuss this format as a github issue.