
Retrain models for a new UD release

Table of contents

steps for updating to a new version of UD:

Build reverse treebank name map

python3 stanza/models/common/

there may be some errors such as

ValueError: Unable to find language code for Maghrebi_Arabic_French

If so, find the language code which was used in UD by looking in the appropriate directory. In the case of UD 2.12, ud-treebanks-v2.12/UD_Maghrebi_Arabic_French-Arabizi Add that to the languages in stanza/models/common/

Possibly update Chinese datasets

Weird edge case that occasionally happens: new ZH dataset, check if it is simplified or traditional. The script will throw an exception if this happens.

Add the appropriate line to the special cases in TODO: could add a script which checks for this

Rebuild xpos vocab map

Although not strictly necessary, there is a script which precalculates the xpos vocabs for each of the known datasets. You can rerun it by doing TODO to check that the derived xpos vocabs all make sense.

Prepare datasets and run the training scripts

There are 5 annotators derived directly from UD data: tokenizer, MWT, POS, lemma, depparse. For each of those, do the following:

python3 stanza/utils/datasets/ ud_all
python3 stanza/utils/training/ ud_all

Note that while these don’t exactly need to be done separately, and much of this work can be done simultaneously, there is one specific ordering which must be followed. The dependency parsers use predicted POS tags for the dependencies, so the POS must be done before the depparse.

Find new word vectors

If you get an error akin to the following, you will need to find and add word vectors for the new language to Stanza.

FileNotFoundError: Cannot find any pretrains in /home/john/stanza_resources/qaf/pretrain/*.pt  No pretrains in the system for this language.  Please prepare an embedding as a .pt and use --wordvec_pretrain_file to specify a .pt file to use

You can do this by putting new word vectors in the collection of models to be rebuilt, in <lang>/pretrain, then rebuild the models distribution with See below for more details.

If you can’t find a reasonable embedding for a language, such as Old East Slavic, you can add that to the no_pretrain_languages set which currently resides in stanza/resources/ (although there is no guarantee that map doesn’t move somewhere else)

Add new default packages

Any new languages will also need a default package marked in the appropriate resources file, probably in the default_treebanks map in stanza/resources/

Tokenizer models with dictionaries

Some of the tokenizer models have dictionaries. To get the best results, you will want to reuse the dictionaries, possibly by extracting them from the current models.

Combined models

There are some “combined” models which are composed of multiple UD datasets and/or external resources. At a minimum, those should be EN, IT, HE, and FR, but there may be others by the time someone is trying to follow this script. Rerun the training scripts for those models.

For example

python3 stanza/utils/datasets/ en_combined
python3 stanza/utils/training/ en_combined

Rebuild with charlm & bert

Currently the mechanism for rerunning all of the models w/ and w/o charlm, w/ and w/o transformers is kind of janky. You will need to pay special attention to that. Future versions will hopefully have a better integration of that. In particular, this applies to lemmatizer, POS, and depparse for now. Sorry for that.

Gather all of the models

Gather all of the new models in a central location. On our system, we have been using /u/nlp/software/stanza/models/ so models wind up in /u/nlp/software/stanza/models/current-models-1.5.1/pretrain, /u/nlp/software/stanza/models/current-models-1.5.1/tokenize, etc

If you copy the models to a new directory, use cp -r --preserve so that the metadata on the original models is kept. The above process will not update tokenizers built from non-UD resources, such as the sd_isra tokenizer, or constituency parsers, NER models, etc. Not updating the metadata will save quite a bit of time & bandwidth when reuploading those to the huggingface git repos.

If starting from scratch, don’t forget to collect all of the other models - tokenizers built from non-UD sources, pretrains, charlms, etc. Again, use cp --preserve to keep the file metadata the same.

Build a model distribution

Use the stanza/resources/ script to rebuild those models into a new distribution package

Update the resources.json file

Update the resources.json file for the appropriate distribution. On the Stanford NLP file system, that is in /u/downloads/software/stanza/stanza-resources

Push models

Push all of the models to HuggingFace:

cd /u/nlp/software/
python3 huggingface-models/