
Adding a new Constituency model

Table of contents

End to End Constituency Example

I refuse to believe anyone actually wants to do this.

Nevertheless, it is actually possible to do. We will follow along with the VIT dataset from ELRA

At each step of the way, please mentally substitute the language and dataset of your choice for Italian VIT.

Some of the features (such as silver trees) mentioned below are only available in the coming version, 1.5.0. Since you will be using a clone of our git repo to do this, such distinctions don’t matter.


We will work on Linux for this. It is possible to recreate most of these steps on Windows or another OS, with the exception that the environment variables need to be set differently.

As a reminder, Stanza only supports Python 3.6 or later. If you are using an earlier version of Python, it will not work.


This is a previously unknown dataset, so it will require some code changes. Accordingly, we first clone the stanza git repo and check out the dev branch. We will then create a new branch for our code changes.

git clone
cd stanza
git checkout dev
git checkout -b italian_vit


There are two environment variables which are relevant for building constituency models. They are $CONSTITUENCY_BASE, which represents where the raw, unconverted constituency data lives, and $CONSTITUENCY_DATA_DIR, which represents where the processed data will go.

Both of these have reasonable defaults, but we can still customize them.

$CONSTITUENCY_BASE determines where the raw, unchanged datasets go.

The purpose of the data preparation scripts will be to put processed forms of this data in $CONSTITUENCY_DATA_DIR. Once this is done, the execution script will expect to find the data in that directory.

In ~/.bashrc, we can add the following lines. Here are a couple values we use on our cluster to organize shared data:

export CONSTITUENCY_BASE=/u/nlp/data/constituency-parser
export CONSTITUENCY_DATA_DIR=/nlp/scr/$USER/data/constituency

Since you will be running python programs directly from the git checkout of Stanza, you will need to make sure . is in your PYTHONPATH.

user@host:...$ echo $PYTHONPATH

Language code

If your dataset involves a language currently not in Stanza, it may need the language code added to Stanza. Feel free to open an issue on our github or send us a PR.

Data download

In general, there is no standardization among constituency datasets for format or layout. In terms of where to store the data, so far we have followed the convention of putting the raw data in $CONSTITUENCY_BASE/<lang>/<dataset>. So, using the $CONSTITUENCY_BASE mentioned above, on our file systems, the IT_VIT dataset can be found at /u/nlp/data/constituency-parser/italian/it_vit

Although it is not required to follow this convention, it will certainly make things easier if you want to integrate your work with ours, such as with a git pull request.

Processing raw data to trees

Interally, the parser reads data in the format of PTB bracketed trees:

(ROOT (S (NP (DT This)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (NN sample)))))

Rather than making the tree reader process many different formats, instead we convert the raw data files to PTB bracketed trees.

In the case of it_vit, for example, the raw input trees are in a format that looks like:

ID#sent_00001 fc-[f3-[sn-[art-le, n-infrastrutture, sc-[ccom-come, sn-[n-fattore, spd-[pd-di, sn-[n-competitività]]]]]], f3-[spd-[pd-di, sn-[mw-Angela, nh-Airoldi]]], punto-.]

There are a couple things to note:

  • Instead of (), it uses [] as brackets
  • Instead of (NN word), it uses n-infrastrutture
  • Not shown in this sample: some phrases become single tokens, such as n-polo_di_attrazione
  • Capitalization was discarded, but the UD conversion of this treebank has the capitalization restored

To be clear, each of these design decisions can be justified, but the point is that we want to standardize the input format. We therefore wrote a conversion script specific for it_vit which reads the tree format used in the original VIT dataset, combines the text with updated text in the UD conversion of VIT, and outputs all of this as bracketed trees. After running the script, the first line of the data file becomes:

(ROOT (fc (f3 (sn (art Le) (n infrastrutture) (sc (ccom come) (sn (n fattore) (spd (pd di) (sn (n competitività))))))) (f3 (spd (pd di) (sn (mw Angela) (nh Airoldi)))) (punto .)))

Again, to emphasize, it is not necessary to follow along exactly with the conversion script. The intent is that the final output will be PTB formatted trees:

  • Open and close () denote subtrees
  • The first entry in a subtree is the label on that subtree. In it_vit’s first sentence, ROOT is the label of the entire tree, fc is the label of the first bracket, etc
  • Leaves represent the words of the tree. Reading from the start to the end of a tree reads off the words of the sentence in order
  • POS tags are represented as “preterminals”: eg, a bracket of exactly one word, with the label on the tree being the POS tag. (art Le) is the preterminal for the first word of the first sentence in it_vit

The intent will be to write a new script which converts the specific dataset you are using to PTB style trees.

Conversion wrapper script

In addition to the conversion script, there is a wrapper script which calls the dataset-specific preparation script. The intent is to organize all of the preparation scripts into one tool, so that one can run

python3 -m stanza.utils.datasets.constituency.prepare_con_dataset it_vit
python3 -m stanza.utils.datasets.constituency.prepare_con_dataset vi_vlsp22
etc etc

If you plan on contributing your conversion back to Stanza as a PR, please add a function to which calls the new conversion script.

POS tagging

There is an important consideration for the constituency parser. The parser does not have a POS tagger as part of the model. Instead, it relies on tags supplied to it earlier in the pipeline at both training and test time.

Practically, this means that in order to have a usable model, there must be a POS tagger for the language in question. Otherwise, there will be no tags available at parse time.

While technically it is possible for the parser to operate without tags, currently that is not implemented as a feature. It is also not planned as a feature any time soon, although a PR which adds it would be welcome.

When training (see below), the training script will attempt to use the default POS package from Stanza for the given language. To change to a different POS package, one can use the --retag_package command line flag.

To change to a specific model (such as if you build one yourself) use the --retag_model_path command line flag.

Sometimes, a language will not have a suitable POS tagger available. In the case of a Vietnamese constituency parser we built, we found it advantageous to use the constituency treebank for training a POS tagger, as that dataset was much larger than the available UD dataset. The script we used for converting the treebank to a POS dataset can be used on any language:

This needs to be run on a fully converted treebank. So, for example, one would run

python3 -m stanza.utils.datasets.constituency.prepare_con_dataset vi_vlsp22
python3 -m stanza.utils.datasets.pos.convert_trees_to_pos vi_vlsp22
python3 -m vi_vlsp22

The same arguments for word vectors, charlm, and transformers apply to both run_constituency and run_pos

CoreNLP installation

The parser uses a scoring script from CoreNLP to find the bracket F1 score. Therefore, you need to follow the CoreNLP setup instructions to download the software. It is not necessary to download any of the CoreNLP models, though.

Word vectors

The base version of the tool uses word vectors as an input layer to the classifier.

Please refer to the word vectors section of NER models to add a new set of word vectors.

Charlm and Bert

There is a pretrained character model that ships with Stanza, and there is also support in the Constituency model for HuggingFace transformers. Both given substantial improvements in performance. There is more description of how to use them in the corresponding section of the NER models page.


At this point, everything is ready to push the button and start training.

python -m it_vit

The model will take quite some time to train, and you almost certainly want to use a GPU to do it.

Running the dev and test sets

Once the model is trained, you can test it on the dev and test sets:

python -m it_vit --score_dev
python -m it_vit --score_test

Silver trees

We have found that making a fake dataset of silver trees improves performance.

This is most noticeable either on small gold datasets, or on datasets with low accuracy. The pattern is not yet clear, since we’ve done it on three datasets. For both IT and VI, a dataset of ~8000 training trees led to a parser with an accuracy in the low 80s, and adding a silver dataset improved F1 by ~1. For EN, a dataset of ~40K training trees (PTB) led to a parser with an accuracy in the high 95.X, and adding a silver dataset had barely any effect. If you find a large dataset with low accuracy, or a small dataset with high accuracy, and help us narrow down the difference, that would be excellent!

What we do is the following. We train 5x models which are each slightly different, then train a second batch of 5x models with a different transition scheme. Each set of 5 models is used in an ensemble to parse all of Wikipedia or some other large text repo. We then take all trees of length 10 to 100 where the two ensembles agree, and use this as trees where we have high confidence in their accuracy.

To train multiple similar, but slightly different models, you can use --bert_hidden_layers N to use a different number of hidden layers from the transformer you are using (assuming you are using one), or --seed N to train a model from different initial conditions

Different transition schemes can be triggered with --transition_scheme IN_ORDER (default), --transition_scheme TOP_DOWN, or even --reversed to try parsing backwards

Wikipedia dumps - look for your language code, then download “--pages-meta-current.xml.bz2"

Wikipedia extractor

Script to tokenize the extracted wikipedia - you will need a tokenizer for your language, which may be an issue if you are working on a language Stanza does not currently know about. Then again, you’ll need a tokenizer for that language to use the parser on raw text, anyway

Script to run an ensemble of models on tokenized text

For this, you will run it as follows, except you will obviously need to substitute different names for the models, the retagging package, and the language, and you will want to run this on both sets of 5 models for each tokenized file produced from Wikipedia (or whatever other data source you used):

python3 -m stanza.models.constituency.ensemble saved_models/constituency/en_wsj_topbert_?.pt --mode parse_text --tokenized_file AA_tokenized --retag_package en_combined_bert --lang en --predict_file AA.topdown.mrg

Very simple script for finding common trees in two files:

python3 -m stanza.utils.datasets.constituency.common_trees <file1> <file2>

So, for example, after producing tree files from the AA section of English Wikipedia, we did this:

python3 -m stanza.utils.datasets.constituency.common_trees AA.topdown.mrg AA.inorder.mrg > AA.both.mrg

After combining the models, we uniquify and shuffle the trees:

cat ??.both.mrg | sort | uniq | shuf > en.both.mrg

Then take the top 1M or so:

head -n 1000000 en.both.mrg > en_wsj.silver.mrg

This is now our silver training set. As mentioned above, it was very helpful for IT and VI, and not particularly effective for EN. You can try this after building an initial model if you want to get improved accuracy.

Useful flags

run_constituency and the constituency parser main program, stanza.models.constituency_parser, have several flags which may be relevant for training and testing.

Pretrain OptionTypeDefaultDescription
–wordvec_pretrain_filestrdepends on languageInstead of using the default pretrain, use this pretrain file. Especially relevant if a language has no default pretrain
–no_charlmTurn off the charlm entirely
–charlm_forward_filestrdepends on languageIf you trained a charlm yourself, this will specify where the forward model is
–charlm_backward_filestrdepends on languageIf you trained a charlm yourself, this will specify where the backward model is
–bert_modelstrdepends on languageWhich transformer to use. Defaults are in stanza/utils/training/
–no_bertTurn off transformers entirely
Training OptionTypeDefaultDescription
–epochsint400How long to train
–transition_schemestrIN_ORDERIN_ORDER works best, TOP_DOWN works okay, others were all experimental and didn’t really help
–silver_filestrWhich file to use for silver trees, if any
–retag_packagestrWhich POS tagger package to use for retagging. Language dependent
–retag_model_pathstrAn exact path to a custom POS tagger

Note that the default before for --epochs is to train for the first 1/2 epochs with AdaDelta, then switch to either Madgrad or AdamW for the final 1/2 epochs. If performance levels off for a long time, you should not terminate training early, as there is usually quite a bit of improvement in epochs 200-210 and possibly some smaller improvement after 210.