

Table of contents

To use Stanza for text analysis, a first step is to install the package and download the models for the languages you want to analyze. After the download is done, an NLP pipeline can be constructed, which can process input documents and create annotations.

On this page, we introduce the installation of Stanza. For an introduction on how to use the neural pipeline, please see Getting Started. For more examples of the neural pipeline, please check out our Tutorials. For usage information of the Stanford CoreNLP Python interface, please refer to the CoreNLP Client page.



Stanza supports Python 3.6 or later. We recommend that you install Stanza via pip, the Python package manager. To install, simply run:

pip install stanza

This should also help resolve all of the dependencies of Stanza, for instance PyTorch 1.3.0 or above.

If you currently have a previous version of stanza installed, use:

pip install stanza -U


To install Stanza via Anaconda, use the following conda command:

conda install -c stanfordnlp stanza

Note that for now installing Stanza via Anaconda does not work for Python 3.8. For Python 3.8 please use pip installation.

From Source

Alternatively, you can also install from source via Stanza’s git repository, which will give you more flexibility in developing on top of Stanza. For this option, first install Cuda (optional, but highly recommended), then install PyTorch, then run

git clone
cd stanza
pip install -e .