
Data Conversion

Table of contents

This page describes how to seamlessly convert between Stanza’s Document, the CoNLL-U format, and native Python objects. We show four examples that represent exactly the same document.

Document to Python Object

A Document instance will be returned after text is annotated by the Pipeline.

Here’s how we can convert this Document object to a native Python object:

import stanza

nlp = stanza.Pipeline('en', processors='tokenize,pos')
doc = nlp('Test sentence.') # doc is class Document
dicts = doc.to_dict() # dicts is List[List[Dict]], representing each token / word in each sentence in the document

Python Object to Document

A Document can also be instanciated with a native Python object, and then passed to the Pipeline for further annotations.

The code below shows an example of converting python native object to [Document]:

from stanza.models.common.doc import Document

dicts = [[{'id': 1, 'text': 'Test', 'upos': 'NOUN', 'xpos': 'NN', 'feats': 'Number=Sing', 'misc': 'start_char=0|end_char=4'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'sentence', 'upos': 'NOUN', 'xpos': 'NN', 'feats': 'Number=Sing', 'misc': 'start_char=5|end_char=13'}, {'id': 3, 'text': '.', 'upos': 'PUNCT', 'xpos': '.', 'misc': 'start_char=13|end_char=14'}]] # dicts is List[List[Dict]], representing each token / word in each sentence in the document
doc = Document(dicts) # doc is class Document

CoNLL to Python Object

CoNLL-U is a widely-used format for universal dependencies. Here is an example of converting from a CoNLL-U format to a native Python object with the help of Stanza:

from stanza.utils.conll import CoNLL

conll = [[['1', 'Test', '_', 'NOUN', 'NN', 'Number=Sing', '0', '_', '_', 'start_char=0|end_char=4'], ['2', 'sentence', '_', 'NOUN', 'NN', 'Number=Sing', '1', '_', '_', 'start_char=5|end_char=13'], ['3', '.', '_', 'PUNCT', '.', '_', '2', '_', '_', 'start_char=13|end_char=14']]] # conll is List[List[List]], representing each token / word in each sentence in the document
dicts = CoNLL.convert_conll(conll) # dicts is List[List[Dict]], representing each token / word in each sentence in the document

Python Object to CoNLL

It might sometimes be desirable to output or process data in the CoNLL-U format after text has been annotated by Stanza. Here is an example of converting a native Python object to the CoNLL-U format:

from stanza.utils.conll import CoNLL

dicts = [[{'id': 1, 'text': 'Test', 'upos': 'NOUN', 'xpos': 'NN', 'feats': 'Number=Sing', 'misc': 'start_char=0|end_char=4'}, {'id': 2, 'text': 'sentence', 'upos': 'NOUN', 'xpos': 'NN', 'feats': 'Number=Sing', 'misc': 'start_char=5|end_char=13'}, {'id': 3, 'text': '.', 'upos': 'PUNCT', 'xpos': '.', 'misc': 'start_char=13|end_char=14'}]] # dicts is List[List[Dict]], representing each token / word in each sentence in the document
conll = CoNLL.convert_dict(dicts) # conll is List[List[List]], representing each token / word in each sentence in the document

CoNLL to Document

New in v1.2.1

There is a mechanism for converting CoNLL files directly to a Stanza Document:

from stanza.utils.conll import CoNLL
doc = CoNLL.conll2doc("extern_data/ud2/ud-treebanks-v2.7/UD_Italian-ISDT/it_isdt-ud-train.conllu")

This can be used with a pipeline on pretokenized text to reprocess parts of the document. For example, this will reprocess the tags in the ISDT dataset. Note that nlp(doc) alters the doc object in place in this example.

doc = CoNLL.conll2doc("extern_data/ud2/ud-treebanks-v2.7/UD_Italian-ISDT/it_isdt-ud-train.conllu")
nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang='it', processors='tokenize,pos', tokenize_pretokenized=True)
doc = nlp(doc)

Document to CoNLL

New in v1.2.1

There is a corresponding mechanism for writing back the document:

CoNLL.write_doc2conll(doc2, "output.conllu")