
Language Identification

Table of contents


With Stanza a user can detect the language of text and route texts of different languages to different language specific pipelines. The current distributed model is a character level Bi-LSTM trained off of text snippets from the UD 2.5 dataset. The model works on a variety of text types, including short text snippets (10 chars), sentences, tweets, and paragraphs.

Currently the model detects the following languages:

af ar be bg bxr ca cop cs cu da de el en es et eu fa fi fr fro ga gd gl got grc he hi hr hsb hu hy id it ja kk kmr ko la lt lv lzh mr mt nl nn no olo orv pl pt ro ru sk sl sme sr sv swl ta te tr ug uk ur vi wo zh-hans zh-hant

Get The Language ID Model And Resources For English and French

import stanza"multilingual")"en")"fr")

Basic Language ID Example

With the langid processor, one can identify the language of text. The detected language will be stored in the lang field of the Document.

from stanza.models.common.doc import Document
from stanza.pipeline.core import Pipeline

nlp = Pipeline(lang="multilingual", processors="langid")
docs = ["Hello world.", "Bonjour le monde!"]
docs = [Document([], text=text) for text in docs]
print("\n".join(f"{doc.text}\t{doc.lang}" for doc in docs)) 

Use A Custom Model

nlp = Pipeline(lang="multilingual", processors="langid", langid_model_path="/path/to/")

Apply Text Cleaning To Tweets

If running on tweets, it is helpful to clean the text before submitting to the model. The text cleaning will remove shortened urls, hashtags, user handles, and emojis. This is not turned on by default.

nlp = Pipeline(lang="multilingual", processors="langid", langid_clean_text=True)

Restricting Language Predictions To A Subset Of Languages

In some scenarios you may know that the possible language is only from a small subset of languages. The language id module can be configured to only predict from this subset. This example demonstrates restricting predictions to English or French.

nlp = Pipeline(lang="multilingual", processors="langid", langid_lang_subset=["en","fr"])

If you are using the MultilingualPipeline, you can set this by adding langid_lang_subset to the lang_id_config:

lang_id_config = {"langid_lang_subset": ['ar', 'hi']}
nlp = MultilingualPipeline(lang_id_config=lang_id_config)

Basic Multilingual Pipeline Example

A MultilingualPipeline will detect the language of text, and run the appropriate language specific Stanza pipeline on the text. The MultilingualPipeline will maintain a cache of pipelines for each language. This example demonstrates handling some English and French text. Each example is classified as English or French, and then an appropriate English or French pipeline is run on the text.

from stanza.pipeline.multilingual import MultilingualPipeline

nlp = MultilingualPipeline()
docs = ["Hello world!", "C'est une phrase française.", "This is an English sentence."]
docs = nlp(docs)
for doc in docs:
    print(f"text: {doc.text}")
    print(f"lang: {doc.lang}")
Option nameTypeDefaultDescription
model_dirstrDEFAULT_MODEL_DIRWhere language id and language specific resources are stored.
lang_id_configdictNoneConfigurations to use for language identification.
lang_configsdictNoneMapping of language name –> pipeline configurations for that language
ld_batch_sizeint64Batch size to use for language identification
max_cache_sizeint10Max number of pipelines to cache

Configure Multilingual Pipeline

You can configure the language identification system and each language specific pipeline in the MultilingualPipeline. When the MultilingualPipeline is constructed, it can be fed a dictionary with one entry per language, where each entry is a dictionary with that language’s settings. The langid processor itself can be configured as well with a separate dictionary with langid settings.

This example demonstrates activating the text cleaning for the language identification module and setting the cached English pipeline’s NER model.

from stanza.pipeline.multilingual import MultilingualPipeline

lang_id_config = {"langid_clean_text": True}
lang_configs = {"en": {"processors": {"ner": "conll03"}}}
nlp = MultilingualPipeline(lang_id_config=lang_id_config, lang_configs=lang_configs)
docs = ["Hello world.", "Bonjour le monde! #thisisfrench #ilovefrance"]
docs = nlp(docs)
for doc in docs:
    print(f"text: {doc.text}")
    print(f"lang: {doc.lang}")

Set Multilingual Pipeline Cache Size

A MultilingualPipeline keeps a cache of pipelines for each language. The maximum size of the cache can be configured at pipeline construction.

When a document is processed, its language is detected, and the appropriate pipeline is used. If the cache is at capacity and a new language is detected, the least recently used language pipeline is removed and a new pipeline is added.

nlp = MultilingualPipeline(max_cache_size=2)

Training Your Own Model

You can train your own model with the script.

The data should be stored in a directory, with 3 files: train.jsonl, dev.jsonl, and test.jsonl. The data format is one entry per line, each entry is JSON specifying the text and the language label.

{"text": "Hello world.", "label": "en"}

Training can be launched with the following command (assume the *.jsonl files are in a directory called data)

python -m stanza.models.lang_identifier --data-dir data  --eval-length 10 --randomize --save-name --num-epochs 100

This command will run training with the data in train.jsonl and evaluate with data in dev.jsonl.

When the --randomize option is used, snippets of between 5 and 20 characters are sampled from each training example and used as the final training examples for each epoch. So in one epoch the training example “This is an English sentence.” might yield “This is” “an English”, and “sentence.”, and in another it might yield “This is an”, “English sentence.”

The length of the snippets can be set with --randomize-lengths-range.

To get the best performance on short strings (character length=10), it is crucial to train on relatively short examples.

--eval-length will determine the length of the examples used for validation

Evaluate A Model

A trained model can be evaluated on any data set with the following command

python -m stanza.models.lang_identifier --data-dir data --load-model --mode eval --eval-length 50 --save-name model-results.jsonl

This command will look for the file test.jsonl in data and produce evaluation numbers for the data in that file.

The overall accuracy will be displayed, and a .jsonl file with various evaluation info including the accuracy, the confusion matrix, and per-language F1, precision, and recall will be produced.