
Adding a new NER model

Table of contents

End to End NER example

Here is a complete end to end example on how to build an NER model for a previously unknown language. For this example, we will use a Bengali dataset:




We will work on Linux for this. It is possible to recreate most of these steps on Windows or another OS, with the exception that the environment variables need to be set differently.

As a reminder, Stanza only supports Python 3.6 or later. If you are using an earlier version of Python, it will not work.


This is a previously unknown dataset, so it will require some code changes. Accordingly, we first clone the stanza git repo and check out the dev branch. We will then create a new branch for our code changes.

git clone
cd stanza
git checkout dev
git checkout -b bangla_ner


There are many environment variables mentioned in the usage page, along with a script which can set them up. However, ultimately only two are relevant for an NER model, $NERBASE and $NER_DATA_DIR.

Both of these have reasonable defaults, but we can still customize them.

$NERBASE determines where the raw, unchanged datasets go.

The purpose of the data preparation scripts will be to put processed forms of this data in $NER_DATA_DIR. Once this is done, the execution script will expect to find the data in that directory.

In ~/.bashrc, we can add the following lines. Here are a couple values we use on our cluster to organize shared data:

export NERBASE=/u/nlp/data/ner/stanza
export NER_DATA_DIR=/nlp/scr/$USER/data/ner

Since you will be running python programs directly from the git checkout of Stanza, you will need to make sure . is in your PYTHONPATH.


If you have a blank PYTHONPATH, or your path does not include ., please also add this to your startup script:


Language code

If the dataset involves a language currently not in Stanza, it may need the language code added to Stanza. Feel free to open an issue on our github or send us a PR.

Data download

We can organize the data in a variety of ways. For this dataset, we will choose to organize it in a directory for bangla, since there are many datasets and we need to keep the data directory understandable.

mkdir -p bangla
cd bangla
git clone

Processing raw data to .json

The NER model takes as input a .json format which separates words and labels. This can be inconvenient to write, though, so the easiest thing to do is to start with a BIO file and convert it using an existing bio->json function we provide.

The data in this dataset is already in TSV format, pretty close to the BIO format, but there are a couple issues:

  • Some of the data lines in the train set have no text, but still have a label of O
  • The data is in two files, train and test, whereas we need a dev file for validation.
  • The TIM tag does not have B- or I- labels.

To address these issues, we wrote a small conversion script. First, we decide on a “short name” for the dataset. The language code for Bangla is bn, and the authors of this dataset are all at Daffodil University, so we choose bn_daffodil.

Next, we write a short script which does each of these things. Our conversion script adjusts all of the tags so they fit a B-TAG, I-TAG, E-TAG scheme and randomly splits the training data into train & dev sets. We set a random seed for the random split so that the split is repeatable. Note that not all of these changes are always necessary for different datasets. All that is necessary is for the script to turn the raw input into BIO format, at which point you can call the function to translate it into .json

We will call this script


In stanza/utils/datasets/ner/, we add the following stub (note the reuse of the directory structure we created above):

def process_bn_daffodil(paths, short_name):
    in_directory = os.path.join(paths["NERBASE"], "bangla", "Bengali-NER")
    out_directory = paths["NER_DATA_DIR"]
    convert_bn_daffodil.convert_dataset(in_directory, out_directory)

We add a mapping in the DATASET_MAPPING and a bit of documentation regarding the dataset, and we now have a script which will prepare the Daffodil dataset for use as a Bangla NER dataset.

This is the complete change described here.


As hinted at in the previous section, there are expected formats for the tags.

For all tagging schemes, the not-an-entity tag is the letter O

The simplest tagging scheme is to label words with the type, such as PER, LOC, ORG. The tags would look something like:

John PER
works O
at O
Stanford ORG

This does not properly handle a sentence such as Peter Paul and Mary went to ... Leaving aside the question of if “Peter Paul and Mary” should be labeled as one entity (music group), this makes Peter Paul look like one entity and Mary a second:

Peter PER
Paul PER
and O
Mary PER
went O
to O

This can be solved with BIO tagging:

Peter B-PER
Paul B-PER
and O
Mary B-PER
went O
to O

If the dataset uses this tagging scheme, it is better to use this for the labels. There are also more complicated labeling schemes, such as labeling single entities differently (Peter S-PER) or explicitly labeling the end of entities (Jennifer B-PER Sh'reyan E-PER). Together this is the BIOES format on the wikipedia page. The NER model will internally convert both of the previous tag schemes to BIOES, so it is not necessary to do that manually.

Untokenized text

Some datasets have untokenized text in one form or another. This will not work for our NER model, which labels text on a per-token basis and uses the tokens to look up in word vectors, the character model, and transformers.

In the case of a language which is previously unknown to Stanza, this is a problem which can only be fixed by first finding a dataset suitable for training a tokenizer, then training a tokenizer. You can file an issue on github if there is a language where you want to create an NER model, but do not have a tokenizer.

In the case of a model where we do already have a tokenizer, though, you can use the existing tokenizer to tokenize the dataset.

Each case will be different, depending on how the tags are annotated in the dataset, but there are two common situations: the text is one block with no sentence splits, or the text is already split one sentence per line.

import stanza
# assuming there are no sentence breaks either
pipe = stanza.Pipeline(language, processors="tokenize")

doc = pipe(text)
for sentence in doc:
    for token in sentence.tokens:
        # process the tokens and their tags here
        # token.text is the text
        # in case token boundaries are marked by character:
        # token.start_char is the start character
        # token.end_char is the end character
        #  (not inclusive, so `John` would be start_char=0, end_char=4)
import stanza
# assuming there is one line per sentence
pipe = stanza.Pipeline(language, processors="tokenize", tokenize_no_ssplit=True)

for text in lines:
    doc = pipe(text)
    sentence = doc.sentences[0]
    for token in sentence.tokens:
        # process the tokens and their tags here
        # token.text is the text
        # in case token boundaries are marked by character:
        # token.start_char is the start character
        # token.end_char is the end character
        #  (not inclusive, so `John` would be start_char=0, end_char=4)

Word Vectors

Processed data is not everything we need, though, as this is the first model we have created for Bangla in Stanza. We also need to obtain pretrained word embeddings for this language or any other new language we add.

For Bangla word vectors, we found Fasttext vectors. We download the text file for this language. There are probably other sources we can choose from if we take some time to search.

Once these are downloaded, there is a script which turns the raw text file (or a .gz file, for example) into a .pt file such as what Stanza uses.

# be sure to update the language abbreviation "bn" to match your dataset!
# 150000 is usually a good balance between good coverage and a model which is too large
python3 -m stanza.models.common.convert_pretrain ~/stanza_resources/bn/pretrain/ ~/extern_data/wordvec/fasttext/ 150000

Note that by default, Stanza will keep its resources in the ~/stanza_resources directory. This can be updated by changing the $STANZA_RESOURCES_DIR environment variable.

In some cases, the word vector files are so large that they will not fit in memory. The conversion program does not compensate for that at all. To handle this problem, you can use head to get just the lines we will make use of:

cd ~/extern_data/wordvec/fasttext   # or wherever you put the vectors
head -n 150001 >   # +1 as many text formats include a header
python3 -m stanza.models.common.convert_pretrain ~/stanza_resources/bn/pretrain/ 150000

More information is here


At this point, everything is ready to push the button and start training.

python -m bn_daffodil

This will create a model which goes in saved_models/ner/

You can get the dev & test scores on your dataset for this model with

python -m bn_daffodil --score_dev
python -m bn_daffodil --score_test

Charlm and Bert

The model produced by the above script is actually not that great on this dataset. It can be improved by adding a character language model, which is quite cheap but takes a long time to train, or by adding a Bert model or other transformer.

Creating a new charlm can make a substantial improvement to the results, but will take a few days to train. A step by step procedure is available here

Once the charlm is trained, you can integrate it to NER as follows

mkdir -p ~/stanza_resources/bn/forward_charlm
cp saved_models/charlm/ ~/stanza_resources/bn/forward_charlm/

mkdir -p ~/stanza_resources/bn/backward_charlm
cp saved_models/charlm/ ~/stanza_resources/bn/backward_charlm/

python3 -m bn_daffodil --charlm oscar --save_name

You can choose a Transformer module from HuggingFace and then use it as follows:

python -m bn_daffodil --bert_model sagorsarker/bangla-bert-base --save_name

If the Transformer helps (as expected), you can add it to the map in stanza/resources/

In our experiment, the initial model scored 66.62 on the Daffodil test set. Quite low, actually. Switching to the Sagorsarker glove vectors improved performance to 75.23, and adding our pretrained charlm further improved scores to 80.27!

Training multiple models

Note that if you are attempting to train a new model, the run scripts will not clobber an existing model. There are two ways to work around that:

# --save_name will give the script a new model name to save
# using the new name will keep both the old and new models
python -m bn_daffodil --bert_model sagorsarker/bangla-bert-base --save_name

# --force will overwrite the old model with a new model
# kiss the old model goodbye
python -m bn_daffodil --bert_model sagorsarker/bangla-bert-base --force

Contributing back

If you like, you can open a PR with your code changes and post the models somewhere we can integrate them. It would be very appreciated!


Oscar was introducted in “A Monolingual Approach to Contextualized Word Embeddings for Mid-Resource Languages”, by Ortiz Suárez, Pedro Javier, Laurent Romary, and Benoît Sagot

The NER dataset described here was introduced in “Bengali Named Entity Recognition: A survey with deep learning benchmark”, by Md Jamiur Rahman Rifat, Sheikh Abujar, Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, and Syed Akhter Hossain