
Add a New Language

Table of contents


In order to train a stanza package for a new language, you will need data for the various models, word vectors for all models other than tokenization, and possibly a character model for improving performance.

Language Codes

In general we represent datasets and the annotators made from them using a shorthand, such as en_ewt for the English EWT dataset or en_wsj for the WSJ treebank.

The characters before the _ are the language code for that language. In almost all cases, if a UD dataset is exists for a language, we use the same language code as used in the dataset name. Otherwise, we use ISO 639-X for whichever X first defines the language.

This is relevant for adding a new language because we have not necessarily implemented all of the language codes in the world. If you are adding new models and get an error such as Unable to find language code ..., you will need to fork Stanza and edit the following file:

Data format

Most of the training scripts expect data in conllu format. Each word has its own individual line. For examples of the data format expected, you can download a package such as en-ewt from and run it through the preprocessing scripts such as If your data is not already compatible with this format, you would need to write your own processing script to convert it to this format.

Note that many of the columns in conllu format may not be present in your data. Most of these columns can be represented with a blank _. One exception to this is the dependency column, which occupies the 7th, 8th, and 9th, columsn of the data. There is some numeric processing involved in these columns, so _ is not sufficient. If these columns are not prsent, you should fake them as follows: set the first row’s values to 0, root, 0:root, set each other row i to i-1, dep, i-1:dep. You can look at for an example.

The classifier model (which is used for sentiment) has a different data format. For this model, the format is one line per sentence or phrase, with the label first and the text as a whitespaced tokenized sentencse after that. For example, see any of the sentiment processing scripts.

The NER model uses a .json format converted from BIO files. We have added an end to end NER training example. Please reference that for a complete description of how to add a new NER model.

The constituency parser uses bracketed trees similar to the PTB format.

Word Vectors

In general we use either word2vec or fasttext word vectors. If none of those are available for the language you want to work on, you might try to use GloVe to train your own word vectors.

More information on using word vectors here.

Character LM

The pretrained Character LM is useful for certain annotators, currently NER, Sentiment, and Conparse. It gives a noticeable improvement to the scores for those models for a small increase in the computational complexity.

Character LMs are included for a few languages. You can look in resources.json for forward_charlm and backward_charlm

It is not necessary to train a new charlm in order to build models, but the accuracy will improve on the models listed above if you do.

Please see here for a step by step explanation of how to train a charlm.

Building models

Once you have the needed resources, you can follow the instructions here to train the models themselves.

Integrating into Stanza

Once you have trained new models, you need to integrate your models into the available resources.

The stanza models are kept in your stanza_resources directory, which by default is kept in ~/stanza_resources. A json description of the models is needed so that stanza knows which models are prerequisites for other models.

The problem with editing this directly is that if you download more officially released models from stanza, any changes you make will be overwritten. A solution to this problem is to make your own directory with a new json file. For example, if you were to create new Thai tokenizers, you could make a directory thai_stanza_resources with a file resources.json in it. You could copy a block with information for the models:

  "th": {
    "tokenize": {
      "orchid": {
      "best": {
    "default_processors": {
      "tokenize": "orchid"
    "default_dependencies": {
    "lang_name": "Thai"

The resources directory then needs a structure where the first subdirectory is the language code, so in this case /home/username/thai_resources/th. Each model type then gets a further subdirectory under that directory. For example, the orchid tokenizer model goes in /home/username/thai_resources/th/tokenize/ and the best tokenizer model goes in /home/username/thai_resources/th/tokenize/

At last, you can load the models via

import stanza
pipeline = stanza.Pipeline("th", dir="/home/username/thai_resources", download_method=None)

If this is a completely new-to-Stanza language as opposed to a language with partial coverage, you will need to tell Stanza this is on purpose and not a typo:

import stanza
pipeline = stanza.Pipeline("th", dir="/home/username/thai_resources", download_method=None, allow_unknown_language=True)

There are several options for configuring a new pipeline and its use of resources You can see the existing resources.json for examples of how to build the json entries for other models.

Contributing Back to Stanza

If you feel your finished model would be useful for the wider community, please feel free to share it back with us! We will evaluate it and include it in our distributions if appropriate.

Please describe the data sources used and any options used or modifications made so that the models can be recreated as needed.

You can open an issue on our main page. For example, the Ukrainian NER model we have was provided via an issue.